NaeSmyth Genealogical Society

'Non Arte Sed Marte'

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Click here NeSmithUpdateForm.pdf to print out a form, but submit the information on-line only. 
Your Full Name:
Your Address:
Your Phone Number:
Your Birthdate:
Place Where Your Were Born (City & State):
Your Wife's Full Maiden Name - Birthdate and Place Born:
Your Father's Full Name, Birthdate, and Place Born:
Your Mother's Full Maiden Name - Birthdate and Place Born:
Your Grandfather's Full Name - Birthdate and Place Born:
Your Grandmother's Maiden Name - Birthdate and Place Born:
Your 1st Great-grandfather - Birth Date and Place Born:
Your 1st Great-Grandmother's Maiden Name - Birth Date and Place Born:
Births, Deaths, or Marriages in Your Line:
Your NeSmith Genealogical ID number (If Known):
Your email address** (MUST BE INCLUDED)**:
Please tell us if this is an addition or a correction to your line and describe all details.:
(** Required Fields)

 ***Do not submit this form without a valid email address or the information provided will not be submitted and will be erased.***


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